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Medicinal Cannabis in Palliative Care and Supportive Cancer Care

Online eLearning Module

For RACGP members:

This activity is accredited for 3.5 hours of CPD under the RACGP CPD Program.

Activity ID: 629347

About this activity

With an ageing population, the number of patients in Australia requiring end-of-life, palliative, or supportive cancer care is expected to increase in coming years.

An integrative approach is essential, with the medical management and coordination of care for people living with a life-limiting illness being undertaken by a wide range of health professionals including GPs.

GPs may receive questions from patients and their carers regarding the use of medicinal cannabis in end-of-life care and must be aware of its use, including the current evidence and access pathways available to prescribers.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this activity, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the role of the GP in identifying patient needs during palliative care

  • Describe the evidence-based approach and Quality Use of Medicine considerations in palliative care

  • Identify the modes of prescribing medicinal cannabis in palliative care
This education module was developed by Lateral Connections at the request of, and with funding from, United In Compassion

If you have any questions, comments or feedback on this course, please contact us at

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